Less Plastic

Less Plastic is a family-run, non-profit organization based on the South Devon coast in the UK. It was set up in 2015 with a mission to have less plastic on the planet and repair the damage that has already been done.

They have attracted a global social media following of nearly 300,000; created a whole series of educational infographics, the original one has been translated into 27 languages so far; published the world’s first book aimed specifically at helping businesses to reduce plastic waste Plastic Game Changer, and shared their plastic reduction expertise with hundreds of individuals, schools, businesses, and community organizations around the world.

Less Plastic

Their mission and activities directly support environmental sustainability by reducing plastic consumption and repairing the damage done by creating a deeper connection with nature.

Dr. Bronner’s UK supports Less Plastic UK as part of our commitment to “Treat Earth Like Home” and to reducing plastic consumption and waste.

Dr. Bronner’s UK funding years:

  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022

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