Be kind to animals,
earth and body!

A soap label boldly displaying the words "End Factory Farming!".

Whether we are vegetarian, vegan or omnivores it is important to educate ourselves about where the food we eat comes from. Every year in the U.S., nine billion farmed animals (not including fish) are confined in filthy conditions on factory farms, packed into trucks and sent to be slaughtered. Nearly all of the turkeys, cows, chickens, pigs and other farm animals used to produce meat, eggs and dairy products sold in the U.S. endure conditions that cause needless stress and suffering. Dr. Bronner’s believes that all animals should be treated humanely and with respect for their well-being.

Shifting to a more plant-based diet is not only more humane to animals but also good for the planet. Factory farms raising thousands of animals generate huge amounts of manure that pollutes the soil, water and air. Feeding farm animals grain diverts valuable crops that could be used to feed people instead. 15% of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture, and expansion of livestock is a key factor in deforestation. We can transition to better food systems through our daily food choices!

A farmer standing beside an ox.

Dr. Bronner’s animal advocacy giving program anchors efforts to protect animals, the Earth, and human lives, in a diverse portfolio of philanthropic support. Our grantees and partners utilize myriad strategies to reduce the suffering and exploitation of non-human animals, increase public awareness, and create lasting change. These strategies include:

- Engaging in advocacy and education on animal rights, veganism, and plant-based eating;

- Expanding the markets for alternatives to factory farm products;

- Pursuing legislative changes to ban the worst practices on factory farms;

- Working with major corporations on policies to eliminate or reduce the use of factory farm products;

- Conducting undercover investigations that generate mainstream media coverage to expose the public to the worst abuses occurring on factory farms;

- Operating animal sanctuaries that provide safe haven for victims of animal abuse and educational opportunities for the public.

    Stand Up For Animals! illustrated graphic featuring farm animals on an Earth graphic.

    Legacy of Accomplishment

    As of December 2022, we have donated an estimated $4 million to the animal rights movement since 2013. Our donations have helped fuel policy change, established multiple new organizations and initiatives, and sustain many others with critical resources.

    Notable accomplishments include:

    - The passing of Question 3 in Massachusetts (2016) and Prop 12 in California (2018) – two landmark pieces of legislation that banned cruel confinement practices for chickens, pigs and calves

    - The funding of the Good Food Institute and Plant Based Foods Association in 2016, and Encompass in 2018, allowing each organization to prove concept in their initial years and attract other donors in the years to follow

    - The support of filmmakers Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn (Cowspiracy, What the Health, Running for Good) whose films have helped educate millions about the problem of factory farming, as well as the benefits of plant-based eating. The company also provided funds to Farm Forward to support the production of the Natalie Portman-produced film adaption of the best-selling book, Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer.

    - The purchase of a ship for Sea Shepherd, the international non-profit marine wildlife conservation organization. Their German operation christened the MV Emanuel Bronner in 2017, which has enabled them to protect the threatened harbor porpoise in the Baltic Sea. This ship continues to be used to protect ocean wildlife off European shores.

    - The partnership with Compassion in World Farming along with The Rodale Institute, Patagonia, and other allies to form the Regenerative Organic Alliance and create Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) in 2018.

    - We made a very special and limited edition soap label that declares “End Factory Farming!” in big letters.

      A person hugging a goat.

      Every time we sit down to eat, we can improve our health and stand up for animals, simply by choosing to leave them off our plates. For those who do choose to eat meat, dairy and fish, yet are still concerned about the impact of their food choices, using the following resources can help reduce the suffering and damage caused by animal industries:

      Regenerative Organic Certified
      The 5-Step™ Animal Welfare Rating Standards of Whole Foods
      Certified Humane
      Animal Welfare Approved
      Marine Stewardship Council Certification
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