January is always a perfect time for setting new goals and intentions for the year ahead, so we have been catching up with our UK All-One Partners to see what it is they’re doing and aiming for, with the support of Dr. Bronner’s in 2024.
City to Sea
16th June marks World Refill Day, and in 2024, City to Sea is making this date the spearhead of their work with the aim to transition from grassroots to government. Over 7 years, City to Sea have built an unstoppable global movement of everyday activists, NGOs and sustainable businesses united behind a shared vision: the world is ready for a refill and reuse revolution.
City to Sea is calling for the UK government to set legally-binding and timebound targets for increasing the amount of packaging on the market that’s reusable. They’re calling for 5% by 2026 and 30% by 2030.
This year they’ll be:
- Calling for international legislative change
- Empowering communities to amplify the call with their representatives wherever they live
- Working with businesses leading the way in refill and reuse
- Running a ‘coasts to capitals’ walk, meeting friends as they go to Amplifying the Reuse Manifesto with clear asks for scaling reuse including legally binding targets
- Launching a citizen engagement campaign inspiring citizens to add their voices to our call for
- action
- Launching an Open Letter to government reinforcing our asks publicly.
- Hosting a parliamentary reception where MPs will make the parliamentary pledge.
Emmaus Brighton
These are just a few of the goals for Emmaus Brighton this year, but as ever, the hope is to continue to support as many people that have experienced homelessness or social isolation as possible, with a trauma informed approach and to invite them into the conversation in our decision making process.
- Growing food in our polytunnel/allotment spaces to grow vegetables and fruit for the Companions and Cafe
- Reviewing a Feasibility Study that we recently had carried out to look at what we can do in the short term to reduce our energy consumption and generate our own energy ie solar panels.
- Provide more training opportunities for Companions that would hopefully include work experience.
- Complete our new Companion Kitchen (work starts next week)
- Continue the 5 year maintenance programme to replace/repair windows. We are currently on year 2.
Ecohustler’s plan for 2024 is to keep growing and connecting with new audiences through riveting content and engaging campaigns. They are planning to launch a second round of investment which will be crowd investment, and they will use the new funds to produce more campaigns and content. Some of the money will be used to:
- Develop an App.
- Launching a new campaign to raise awareness about issues around tuna overfishing and provide solutions for UK shoppers to make a difference.
- Hoping to build on the success of Dance for the Ocean and produce a similar event again soon.
Surge Activism
In 2024, Surge will be continuing its mission to fight for animal rights. Following the success of the short film short documentary ‘Nowhere to Run’ where ex-slaughterhouse workers share their experiences working in the business of killing animals, the team want to continue to make educational documentaries in video content form. Founder of Surge Earthling Ed also released his second book ‘How to Argue with a Meat Eater (and win everytime), at the end of 2023, and will be headlining lots of festivals in 2024!
- ‘Our main focus is working on an animated film that we can’t reveal too much about right now but that we’re very excited about! We’re really happy that it follows on from the success of our 2023 Webby Award-winning film ‘Milk’. The production focuses on the telling the stories of animals from their perspective, one that we very rarely see.
- We’re also looking to produce short, non-animated films that showcase our cognitive dissonance when it comes to the animals who we exploit. We’re so grateful to Dr. Bronner’s for supporting our mission in 2024!’