Dr. Bronner’s stands with Black Lives Matter in support of justice for George Floyd, who was killed by police last week in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A first step in overcoming systemic racism and injustice is to simply understand and admit that there is a problem. That’s why, even as a soap company, we feel the need to make this statement.

In the U.S., Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police than white people, while being 1.3 times less likely to be armed. These are not new statistics. It should not take another police murder to force our society to say enough is enough and to demand systemic change to end racial injustice and inequality. That need is long overdue. We urge our employees, customers, and other companies and businesses to proactively engage in anti-racism, and to work for racial justice.

As an act of solidarity with protests happening around the U.S., we will be donating $25,000 to a variety of organizations, both in Minnesota and nationally, that are working to end anti-Black racism and abuse. We will also continue to fund over $250,000 for criminal justice reform measures towards ending mass incarceration of people of color for low level drug offences.

Yes, all lives should matter, and we know that all lives will not matter until we acknowledge that Black lives matter. Our grandfather urgently spread the message that we are “All-One!” To us, “All-One” means that Black lives matter.

Together, we are All-One or None! Black Lives Matter!

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